
The Officer's Bride by Lara Daniels
The Officer's Bride by Lara Daniels

The Officer

Ol Skool Romance Challenge and Review: Daniel s Bride by Linda. Women – although men, too, I had a critique partner, Alex, when I wrote this book and he gave a great insight into aspects of plotting and came up with some of the best ideas – such as Barnaby, the Jack Russell terrier. Nighttime Reading Center: Review: Daniel s Bride Book Title: Daniel s Bride Author: Linda Lael Miller Genres: Romance, Western, Historical Romance Publisher: Gallery Books Pub Date: J(400 Pages, Paperback) Book Source: Download to Nook (E- Book ). On Writing and Life: Book Review: The Officer s Bride by Lara Daniels I recently read Lara Daniel s soon-to-be-published novella, “The Officer s Bride ”. The Officer s Bride : The making of a cover | Lara Daniels On the evening of the first friday of October, I decided to go ahead and publish The Officer s Bride, but then, the question was: How would the cover of the book look like? I knew what I wanted: a woman who looked mysterious. Daniel Pipes Journalist and Director of the pro-Israel Middle East Forum provides articles written, interviews, book reviews and mailing list information. (Paperback 9780671731663)The Officer s Bride - Africa Book ClubThe Officer s Bride This competition is now closed – Our November book giveaway competition takes a romantic turn. BN Prose – Book Excerpt: Lessons in Love by Lara Daniels.

The Officer's Bride by Lara Daniels